Community Engagement
- Engage the community through Conversation on the Corner events and Domestic Violence and educational forums.
- Collaborate with the Police Department on community events and respond to crime hotspots with pop-up events such as: prayer Vigil, community alert flyer distribution, conversation on the corner, etc.
Community Resources
- Work with community members and other stakeholders to identify necessary programs and services that meet the needs of individuals and families impacted by violence and other social issues and trauma.
- Facilitate the connection of victims and families with social services, as appropriate, through advocacy that is based on each individual’s needs.
Financial Support & Fundraising
- Plan fundraising activities and secure funding to support PTWP day-to-day operating expenses and events (i.e., Cool Down, Breakfast with Santa, Conversation on the Corner, Strides for Peace Race & Walk, etc.).
Homeless Street Team
- Serve the needs of individuals and families who are affected by homelessness.
- Build alliances with agencies that provide immediate and comprehensive shelter services to homeless persons and persons at risk of becoming homeless.
- Seek opportunities to interact and collaborate with agencies that provide supportive services which assist homeless persons and homeless families with returning to self-sufficiency.
Social Media & Video
- Manage all PTWP social media profiles and content (i.e., Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube).
- Livestream PTWP community events and capture photos and video footage to be posted on our social media platforms and website.
- Write posts and share content that aligns with the organizations mission and purpose to build its social media presence.
- Identify and mentor youth who are interested in utilizing their creative minds, writing skills, and technology savvy to support the committee and further develop their skills.
Youth Engagement
- Create opportunities for youth to express themselves, voice their ideas, and provide input for projects or programs.
- Establish a safe space for youth to advise decision makers and community stakeholders on matters pertinent to young people.
- Provide leadership training for young people and give them opportunities to develop important life skills.
- Identify opportunities for youth to participate in service projects to encourage community engagement and motivate them to help to make a difference.